
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Famous Christmas Open House

Yes, I know, I know,
you don't want to hear
anything about
Christmas right now......

However, look at this as more of a

"Save The Date"
rather than.....

"Christmas Is Right Around The Corner"!

Every year Broadbent's
holds their Famous
"Christmas Open House".

Every inch of the store is decorated with "Theme" settings. 
The trees are out of this world, the gift ware is one of a kind
& of course there is the Nativity display....

105 yr. old Italian Company of Fontanini Nativity Sets
displayed in a room all to itself. 

Basically the store takes on a "Magical" feeling. 
One you just don't get in the commercialized hustle and bustle of 2015. 
Come wander, explore & enjoy as Broadbent's welcomes the
Holiday Season in a way only they can.

Broadbent's Christmas Open House 2015
Friday & Saturday
November 6 & 7th
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

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