
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Monday Book Club

It seems that Block of the Month programs are so attractive to
us quilters....
Logically you should be able to do one block a month and at
the end of the year.... a quilt is done.
Well it usually doesn't work out that way, but why not have some

great reading material to go along with your quilting.

Across the Wide Missouri...
"A quilt reflecting life on the Frontier"
By Edie McGinnis & Jan Patek

This book combines the primitive applique' we have come to
know and love by quilter extraordinaire Jan Patek &
Eddie McGinnis adds her publishing and quilting expertise to the quilt design along with the 12 fascinating life histories
(11women and 1 man)
All who were facing life on the
new frontier.
I loved reading and pondering how each block portrayed
the life story of these remarkable individuals.

The patterns and instructions are clear and well written,
each of the authors have given you their own fabric
and color interpretations,
there are 3 extra projects as a bonus.  Loved this book!

Remember:  Monday Book Club (each Monday or most Mondays)
we post a book review on a new or old favorite.  That Monday
you can visit the store and receive a discount on the featured
book.  Just a little something fun we do for you!