
Monday, January 31, 2011

Friendship Basket Club

Hurray!!  We are re-launching our
Friendship Basket Club

This will be a year long club.....celebrating,
Women, Sisters, Mothers, Daughters & Kindred Spirits. 
We hope to focus on our common love of quilting while we explore
friendships old & new.

Become a follower of the blog...

The end of each month you will find....
A new pattern... (these will be available through a link to a storage site. 
The patterns will be done in template form so everything will be actual size  and compatible for US & International quilters).
* A newsletter... (thoughts, musings & stories about friendship).
* A recipe...  (sharing is caring!!! & what's better than food?)

The quilt consists of 12 basket blocks with some applique'.
A setting block which will be constructed multiple times. 
Blocks are 8 1/2" finished.

This is a mystery quilt you will know what the finished quilt will look like 12 months from now.

We have a limited number of kits available for the monthly blocks as well as the background fabric.  Check with the store for availability.

Have questions?  email JoyLyn

This project is complimentary...and holds a copyright.
Please print and reserve for your own use. 
No teaching, selling, etc.

Since each quilter has a unique style & method for quilting we make no guarantees as to the finished product.  Every effort has been made to produce an error free pattern.  Some quilting experience is suggested (or grab an experienced quilting friend to tutor you).

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